

學問君 人氣:2.86W

A picture of pear (yali) stands for “pressure”, which shares a similar pronunciation with the fruit in Chinese. One post-90s girl who goes by the online name of Xiao Wei, was taking notes of a meeting all in such type of slang which is popular with many young people. But she was out of “RP” (renpin), which means “luck” in online slang-speak: Her boss confused at reading her notes, gave her a real dressing down.因爲水果鴨梨與壓力諧音,所以人們用鴨梨的圖片代表壓力。一位網名爲小薇的90後女孩就選擇用這種備受年輕人熱捧的火星文做會議記錄。可是小薇卻沒有那麼好的`RP(人品,在網絡火星文中指的是運氣的意思)——她的老闆根本看不懂她寫的是什麼,並把她狠狠地批了一通。


Xiao Wei later posted her notes on the BBS of and stated her “grievances”: “I’m a post-90s girl and I use ‘post-90s style’ language, and for this I may get fired!”隨後小薇將會議記錄發到成都全搜尋的論壇上,並表示自己很委屈。她說:“作爲90後,我喜歡用90後風格的語言。但這卻可能讓我被炒魷魚。”

Like Xiao Wei, many youngsters find that their use of trendy online slang, elaborate emoticons and wacky cell phone ring tones may not be appreciated in the workplace.和小薇一樣,許多年輕人發現使用火星文,各種複雜的表情符號以及怪異的來電鈴聲這種在職場中並不受歡迎。

Annoying ring tones

A survey on “workplace cell phone ring tones” by in March, 2012, asked around 5,000 respondents what ring tones they found most annoying. While loud ring tones were hated most, “indecent” and “wacky” ring tones came second and sixth respectively.2012年3月,智聯招聘網站曾針對辦公室中手機鈴聲的使用情況做了一項調查。大約有5000名網友參與該調查,回答了他們心中最難以忍受的鈴聲類型。結果顯示,吵人的鈴聲讓人最難以容忍,不雅鈴聲,搞怪鈴聲分列第二、六位。

Besides annoying colleagues, such habits might also make people question your maturity and professionalism, according to Cao Yong, a finance manager at China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation.中國石油工程建設公司的財務經理曹勇(音譯)表示,這種鈴聲除了會打擾到同事,還會讓人覺得你不夠成熟和專業。

“A lack of awareness regarding office rules and workplace etiquette causes workplace freshmen to bring inappropriate habits to the workplace,” said Cao. “They often behave no differently at work to how they behaved in school.”曹勇說:“職場新人們若忽視辦公室規定或疏於職場禮節,就會把不良習慣帶到工作中。這些新人往往進入職場後表現得和在學校時一樣。”

He attributes such behavior to an inability to switch from a school to workplace mindset quickly enough.他將這些舉動歸咎於,這些新人的思維無法適應從校園到職場的快速轉型。