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中西醫結合治療急性胰腺炎 [摘要] 目的 探討採用中西醫結合治療及西醫保守治療急性胰腺炎療效。方法 將99例急性胰腺炎患者隨機分成A組44例、B組55例。A組以西醫治療爲主,B組加用中藥治療,對照兩組療效,並進行統計學分析。結果 B組症狀迅速減輕,病程較A組明顯縮短(P<0.01)。結論 中西醫結合治療急性胰腺炎明顯優於單用西醫保守治療,可縮短病程,減少併發症及手術率。

[關鍵詞] 急性胰腺炎;中西醫結合治療


Combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treatment of acute pranereatitis

[Abstract] Objective To compare the effects of the combination treatment of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of (AP)ods 99 patients were divided into two groups:Group A 44 patients was the Western treatment and Group B 55 patients use the combination treatment of Western treatment and traditional Chinese compare the effects of two groups with statistical lts Group B becomes better quickly and shortened the course of disease in contrast to Group A(P