

學問君 人氣:1.5W

rinciples and Methods of English-Chinese Translation of Tradema


    The image and connotation of a trademark is playing an increasingly important role in the fast-developing and fierce competitive market economy. In fact, the translation of trademark is a kind of recreation, during which the translator is influenced by different languages and cultures and guided by the functionalist approaches. The translating of a trademark is an indispensable part of the company’s foreign marketing promotion strategy. Therefore, the trademark translation must conform to the cultural background of the respective countries and some certain translation principles and methods. In the present thesis the author analyzes a lot of outstanding cases of the English trademark translation. Firstly it deals with the functions and the features of the trademark, and then some translation principles of the English trademark are illustrated, such as relevance, conciseness and the adaptation to the target market; Besides, the thesis also analyzes several translation methods of the English trademarks with the aim of helping the readers to know the practical value of this thesis. All in all, the author aims at making the readers guided by the translation theory adopt different translation strategies on the basis of the deep understanding of the English trademark so that the translators will surely translate the trademark containing both the cultural spirit and the consumer psychology. 
Key Words: trademark translation; cultural tradition; consumption psychology;
culture of target market; translation strategy

摘 要

隨着市場經濟的快速發展以及市場競爭的日趨激烈,商標的形象與內涵益發重要,在商標詞的翻譯實踐中,譯者其實是在從事1種再創作,由於受到兩種語言、文化等諸多因素的影響,實現商標翻譯的本土化, 在拓展國外市場方面有舉足輕重的作用。商標是產品在顧客心中的縮影,爲使顧客接受並認可產品,商標翻譯必須融入新市場的語言文化特色並遵循1定的翻譯原則和方法。本文大量分析了英語商標漢譯的.優秀譯例,從商標的功能及其自身特點談起,接着文章提到了英語商標的翻譯的原則如關聯,簡明以及要遵循不同目標市場文化差異的原則;此外還分析了商標英語翻譯的幾種方法,目的使讀者能熟悉明白本文的實用價值。作者要讓讀者瞭解運用翻譯理論做指導,在對商標詞的正確而貼切的理解基礎上,採用不同的翻譯策略,譯出既能完美體現商品內涵傳遞商品神韻又能兼顧消費者文化習俗的佳作。


