

學問君 人氣:1.9W

【摘要】 周作人的生死觀是探討其豐富複雜思想的一條路徑,他對生死問題的態度集中反映了他思想的變化發展,周作人生死觀的形成有着豐厚的傳統文化資源,這主要是因爲他非同一般的傳統文化功底,因而有傳統文化的影響去探討周作人生死觀的變化發展是本文的主要着力點。周作人的生死觀按他人生不同的發展階段大致可以分爲三個階段,即早期生死觀、中期生死觀和晚期生死觀,每一時期又有着各自的特色,成爲了解他人生思想的關鍵之處。早期生死觀主要指周作人在青少年時期所形成的關於生死問題的思考,以他的早年生活爲基礎,包括在故鄉紹興度過的童年時代、南京求學的五年、留學日本時期以及他輝煌的五四時期,這一階段是一個東西文化交匯的時代,傳統文化哺育下成長起來的周作人在接受了西方自然科學知識之後,在生死問題上產生了強烈的情理衝突,他在理智上認識到人有生必有死的殘酷現實,可在情感上他又確實不願接受,這是周作人生命意識逐漸覺醒的時期。周作人的中期生死觀主要是指從1920年至1945年這一時期他對生死問題的根本態度,此時周作人的生活經歷了很大的改變,五四時期的輝煌已經不復存在,社會更加動亂不安、殺伐不斷,這讓周作人對社會更加失望,他開始了對生命意義的反思,同時周作人自己的生活也是風波不斷,1920年的一場大病耗盡了他多半年的時光,也讓他對自己的生命更加珍惜,兄弟失和、中年喪女都是沉重的打擊,這些都加劇了周作人思想的轉變,他有了明顯地死亡焦慮,認爲能苟全性命於亂世是當下最要緊的事,這種極端的現世主義生死觀最終使他走向了附逆的深淵,周作人中期生死觀受到多種傳統文化資源的影響,主要有儒家的現世思想、道家的貴己重生思想、以及墨家的功利思想。晚期周作人的生死觀與前兩個時期相比有鮮明的特色,並且深刻的反映了周作人思想上的重大變化。周作人的晚年生活大約開始於1945年,社會的變遷,歲月的流逝都使他對生死的態度有了很大的改變,面對生死困境,他變得坦然,死亡已不在可怖,反而是一種解脫,但活着又不是完全沒有意義的,周作人認爲自己生存的意義就是爲人的'活着,即爲了家人和文學藝術的傳承,周作人晚期生死觀的形成一方面是由於他在經歷了浮沉榮辱之後所特有的生命體驗,另一方面還因爲他在晚年真正理解了傳統文化中關於生死的有益部分,道家自然主義的生死觀、儒家道德理想主義的生死觀、以及佛家生命苦諦的思想都對他產生了深遠的影響。


【Abstract】 It is a very effective measures to explore the complex thinking of Zhou Zuoren with his concept of life and death ,the attitude of life and death expressed change of his thinking concept of life and death contacted with traditional culture ,because Zhou Zuoren had very good bases of traditional culture ,the distionation of this text is to explore the change of his concept of life and death from traditional culture concept of life and death generally divides three stages,the early stage,the middle stage,the later stage,these concept of life and death was his important early stage of his concept of life and death from the young life , it included childhood passing in Shaoxing ,the five years of study in Nanjing ,studied abroad in Japan and brilliant the May 4th ,it was a exchange times for the East and West culture ,Zhou Zuoren was fed with traditional culture ,he also accepted natural science from the West , so he had strong contradiction about life and death ,he knew that life and death was lay of nature , but he didn’t accept in feeling ,life mentality of Zhou Zuoren was waking in this middle stage of his concept of life and death from 1920 to1945 ,Zhou Zuoren’s life had been changed greatly at this time, brilliant the May 4th was not existing ,society was more disturbance and many people were killed , facing to this fact,Zhou Zuoren was very disappointed ,he began to think about life meaning ,at the same time,his life was not quiet ,a serious ill used up his strength , he considered that he must take good care of himself , their brothers became estranged , his daughter died in his middle age , these facts made Zhou Zuoren change his thinking , he expressed obvious death anxiety , he considered that it was very important to keep life in the disturnance society , the existing view resulted to his betray . Many cause of traditional culture effected the concepted of life and death , for example , the existing thinking of Confucianism , attach importance to life from Taoism , utility thoughts of Mohist concept of life and death in his later years had obviously feature,and it was thought greatly for Zhou Zuoren, the later years of Zhou Zuoren began from 1945 , society had changed , the years flowed on , he had very big changed about life and death , he didn’t think that death was horrible , but living also had significance , he considered that his living significance was for other people , for family member and spreading of literature , in the later years , Zhou Zuoren was very gentle . The concept of life and death was formed in his later years had two factors . Fistly, he had special life test because he had experienced many vicissitudes of life . Secondly, he really understand traditional culture about the concept of life and death , naturalism of Taoism and idealism of Confucianism in the concept of life and death , the Buddha about hard living , that’s all effected his thought.

【關鍵詞】 周作人; 生死觀; 傳統文化
【Key words】 Zhou Zuoren ; the concept of life and death ; traditional culture

中文摘要 5-7