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在19至20世紀的,英國和美國在文化、經濟、軍事、政治和科學在世界上的領先地位使得英語成爲一種國際語言。如今,許多國際場合都使用英語做爲溝通媒介。下面是小編爲你帶來的高中英語詞彙教學設計 ,歡迎閱讀。



Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”, Book3

課文 A Trip On “The True North ” 的詞彙和短語(rather than, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, eastward, westward, upward, surround,  the Rocky Mountains, harbour, measure, aboard, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, eagle,   Stampede, cowboy, have a gift for, within, border, slight, slightly, acre, urban,  Thunder Bay,  Lake Superior)


1.    使學生能夠正確地朗讀並掌握所學詞彙的中文意思;

2.    透過創設語境與習題練習相結合的方法掌握重點單詞的音、形、義、用;

3.    對學生進行從語境中猜測詞意這一詞彙學習方法的初探;

4.    教授構詞法的基本知識,培養學生詞彙生成能力,拓寬詞彙量;

5.    結合詞彙教學和文章理解,使學生了解加拿大的基本情況。








1. 前一節課已透過略讀、跳讀、細讀等方式對課文A Trip On “The True North ” 有了整體感知,並能基本完成P35的Comprehending部分。

2. 教師事先根據高考詞彙要求及詞彙的使用頻率對所學28個詞彙進行分類分組,分爲只讀詞彙,認知詞彙和運用詞彙。計劃針對不同級別或頻度的詞彙採用不同的策略。分組如下:

Group A: baggage, continent, harbour, eagle,   border, acre

Group B: eastward, westward, upward

Group C: chat, scenery

Group D:  surround, measure

Group E: rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for

Group F: aboard, within, slight, slightly, urban

Group G:  the Rocky Mountains, Stampede, cowboy,  Thunder Bay,           Lake Superior


Step Ⅰ: Lead-in: Brainstorm.

Q1: Do you like travelling?

Q2: What words will you think about when I refer to the word “travel”?

Ss brainstorm the words and write them down. ( ID card, passport, camera, IPAD, notebook, map, jet lag, sports shoes,…)

設計思路: 用頭腦風暴遊戲匯入新課,開拓學生思路併爲接下來的詞彙學習做準備。

StepⅡ: Learning about Group A: baggage, continent, harbour, eagle,   border, acre

First, listen to tape about these new words. Make Ss recognize the pronunciation.

Then, learn these words by guessing and paraphrasing.

1. Baggage Teacher gives clues like this:

They’re a general word for a group of bags.

We put clothes, camera and other things we need in these.

We carry them when we travel.

Ss: Baggage.

2. Eagle         Teacher gives clues like this:

It is a large strong bird.

It has very good eyesight.

Its mouth is very sharp.

Ss: Eagle.

3. Continent, harbour, border, acre

Teacher goes to the map hanging on the wall.

⑴ continent:

T: Look at the map. Can you find China? Where is it?

Ss: Yes, it’s in Asia.

T: Can you find the UK and France?

Ss: Yes, they’re European countries.

T: Great. Asia is one of the continents in the world. And Europe is another. There are five continents altogether on the earth. Do you know the meaning of “continent”?

Ss: Yes.

⑵ harbor:

T:  ( points to Dalian ) Look at  Dalian on the map. If you travel from this city, what kind of transportation will you take?

Ss: bus, plane, ship, train….

T: Yes, you can choose ship because Dalian is next to the sea. So the place of shelter for ships is harbor. Got it?

Ss: Yes.

⑶ border: (point to the border of China) Teacher gives clues like this :

It is lines between two provinces or countries which are next to each other.

Ss: border.

⑷ acre:

T: Do you know how large our country is?

Ss: 9,600,000 square metres. (Answer the question with teacher’s help)

T: And ‘acre’ is another word to describe how large the land is, especially used in English- speaking countries. In Chinese,  英畝.


Step Ⅲ: Learn the new words in Group B: eastward, westward, upward

1.    Teacher writes the three words on the blackboard. Lead the Ss to find out the word-forming rules.

T: -ward(s) 是表示方向的後綴, means “in a certain direction”, 常與方向詞如: east, west, up, down, in, out等詞派生出eastward(s), westward(s), upward(s), downward(s), inward(s) 和outward(s).

So, eastward means “to the east”. How about ‘upward’?

Ss: To the upper place.

設計思路: 利用構詞法學單詞,尋找並總結構詞規律,既有利於提高學習效率,又能拓展詞彙量。

Step Ⅳ Learn the new words in  Group C: chat, scenery &Group D:  surround, measure

1. Group C: Summarize the differences between chat and talk;

Summarize the differences among scenery, view, sight, scene.

⑴chat vs. talk

Notes: chat vi. & n.  非正式場合的閒聊(常爲交流個人情況)

talk vi. & n. (含義較多) 談話,聊天等。

但用法較相似: chat / talk with/ to sb.

chat / talk about sth.

have a  chat/ talk with sb. about sth.


① The two sides in the war have agreed to hold a peace talk.

② I haven’t seen him for years and we had a long chat about old times.

③ My boss talked to me for almost an hour.

④ Look at those girls. They were chatting happily on the beach.

⑵ scenery, view, sight, scene

Notes: scenery: 指一個地區全部的自然景色,如高山、森林、溪谷等,是不可數名詞。

view: 多指從遠處或高出等某個角度所看見的“景物,景緻”。

scene: 除表示“景物、景緻”外,還有“場面”之意,大多包括人及人的活動在內。

sight: 指人們遊覽觀光的風景,特別值得一看的景物,也可指“情景;景象;視力”。


① You’ll get a fine view of the town from the mountaintop.

② We visited the historical sights of China last summer.

③ The scenery of this country is unparalleled(無雙的).

④ The boats in the harbor make a beautiful scene.


2. Group D:  surround, measure

Notes: ⑴ surround vt. & vi. 包圍,圍繞

常用於被動語態be surrounded by

eg. The church is surrounded by a white fence.

[語境串記] Once upon a time, a king who was polite to surrounding (adj. 周圍的) countries lived in a castle surrounded(v-ed 被……環繞) by a large forest and having wonderful surroundings(n.環境).


⑵ measure: vi. & vt. 測量,衡量,判定

n. 計量制, 尺寸,措施

① measure sth. by sth. 用……來衡量

eg. Education should not be measured purely by examination results.

② take measures/ steps/ action to do sth.

eg.  The government has taken measures to stop the spread of AIDS.

設計思路:該組詞彙同Group C 一樣,屬高頻運用詞彙。結合微型語境學習搭配是最直接有效的方式,有利於培養學生用英語思維的能力以及感知語言的能力。

Step Ⅴ Learn about the phrases: rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for     in  Group E

Task: This is a short story. Fill in the blanks using the phrases above.

Rather than go shopping with his parents, little Tom decided to study for the math exam at home. However, he wasn’t really good at math and found it hard to settle down to (doing) his work. Suddenly, he caught sight of   the gold medal hanging on the wall, which reminded him of piano competition, little Tom has a gift for piano but not math. What a pity! Little Tom said to himself: I keep practicing and then I‘ll manage to get good results.


StepⅥ: Learn the new words in Group F: aboard, within, slight, slightly, urban


設計思路:本組詞彙爲prep, adj. 和adv. , 重點掌握音、形、義, 結合課文內容教學,即可掌握。

Step Ⅶ Learn the new words in Group G:  the Rocky Mountains, Stampede, cowboy,  Thunder Bay,    Lake Superior

Read these words after the teacher.

設計思路:本組詞彙均爲詞, 不要求掌握,但爲了不影響課文的理解和朗讀,只需掌握其音、義即可,簡單處理。

Step Ⅷ: Deal with Exercises 2&3 on P36.

Ask the Ss to finish the exercises all by themselves. And then check the answers.


StepⅨ:  Conclusion and Homework.