

學問君 人氣:3.09W
to many job seekers, "stress" is synonymous with "job interview."
job seekers stress over landing an interview. then they stress over preparing for it. and then they stress over what to wear, what to say, if the interviewer will like them and more.
but the worst stress of all often occurs during the interview. this is the stress that can cause you to blow it. it can make you freeze, panic, chatter aimlessly, lose your train of thought or perspire profusely.
so how can job seekers keep cool when it counts? relax. a few simple techniques can help calm frayed nerves and sooth interview jitters.
pause, don’t panic停下來,不要慌張
in every interview, there comes a moment that doesn’t go according to plan. there’s an awkward silence. you stumble over your words. you flub a tough question.每次面試中都會有沒有預料到的時刻。沉默令人尷尬。你語無倫次,對疑難問題束手無策。
don’t panic. now’s the time to put your relaxation skills into overdrive.不要慌張。此刻正是你的放鬆技巧“一展身手”的時刻。
it’s much easier to control fear and panic as it starts to build than to calm yourself down once they’ve begun to spiral out of control.在恐懼和慌張剛出現苗頭的時候就控制住要比在它們愈演愈烈而失去控制後再讓自己冷靜下來要容易得多。
when you feel yourself starting to panic and lose focus, pause. tell yourself silently that you can do this. take a deep breath. refocus. and then resume interviewing.當你發現自己開始驚慌、注意力不集中時,先暫停一下。默默地告訴自己你能成功。深呼吸。重新把注意力集中起來。然後繼續面試。
a quick ten-second pause can be all you need to regain your composure and get back in control. and the interviewer likely won’t even notice.一次十秒鐘的短暫停歇就足以讓你重新獲得鎮定和對局面的控制。而面試官甚至察覺不到。
TAGS:應對 面試