

學問君 人氣:2.44W

第一個習慣用語是: life of the party。
  Life意思是生命,它也可以解釋爲“活力”或者“精華”。Life of the party是指“在聚會中活躍氣氛的中心人物”。
  例句-1:People who give parties always invite Jenny because they know she’ll be the life of the party. She knows everybody in town, helps guests get to know each other, makes sure they get plenty to eat and makes everybody feel very comfortable.
  第二個習慣用語: party pooper。
  Pooper來自poop。 Poop這個詞有一種解釋是筋疲力盡,說poop out意思是累得喘不過氣來了。那麼party pooper是聚會上什麼樣的人呢?我們透過一個例子來體會吧:
  例句-2:Honey, let’s not invite Joe. He’s a real party pooper. He puts on this sour look like his stomach hurts, has nothing good to say about anybody, doesn’t even smile at other people’s jokes and always looks like he’d rather be any place else.
  根據這位先生對喬的這番描述,喬在聚會上真是個孤僻冷漠、興味索然而令人掃興的人。這就是party pooper這個習慣用語的意思。

