

學問君 人氣:1.61W

1. I am writing for a replacement of the dictionary included. 特函要求替換隨信寄去的字典。


2. Would you please correct your shipment by sending the order No. 2530 by the first available vessel? 請把我方2530號訂單項下的貨物用第一艘可訂到倉位的貨船運來,以糾正你方發貨錯誤。

3. It would be highly appreciated if you could look into the personal computers, which should have reached our destination two weeks ago. 我方訂購的`個人電腦應在兩週前到貨,請查詢有關交貨情況。

4. We feel it necessary to inform you that your last delivery of our order is not up to the usual standard. 我們有必要通知你們上次交貨達不到通常標準。

5. Upon inspection, it was found that the total content had been short-delivered by 1.5 tons. 經檢驗,這批貨短交了1.5噸。

6. On comparing the goods received with the sample supplied, we were sorry to notice the great differences in the designs of the machines. 比較收到的貨物和樣品,發現機器在設計上有很大的差異,甚感遺憾。

7. After having the boxes examined we found that they were not strong enough for long distance delivery. 經檢查,我們發現箱子不夠堅固,不宜做長途運貨之用。

8. It is regrettable to see that the chemical content of Item 022 is not up to the percentage contracted. 很遺憾,022項貨所含的化學成分沒達到合同規定的百分比。

9. There is a discrepancy in colors between the received materials and the samples. 收到的材料和樣品顏色不同。

10. While placing our order we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely add to the cost of the goods. That is why we have to raise a claim on refunds for the loss incurred. 訂貨時,我們已強調任何交貨延遲將無疑增加貨物的成本。故此,我們必須索回由此產生的損失費。


初級全套套餐包括:劍橋BEC真題集初級第3輯;新編劍橋商務英語同步輔導初級;新編劍橋商務英語PASS BEC口試必備手冊(中、低級);新編劍橋商務英語初級第二版學生用書;新編劍橋商務英語初級第二版學生用書練習冊;劍橋商務英語初級詞彙精選點擊檢視

中級全套套餐包括:劍橋BEC真題集中級第2輯、第3輯;BEC劍橋商務英語證書考試中級仿真試卷;新編劍橋商務英語中級同步輔導;新編劍橋商務英語中級第二版學生用書;新編劍橋商務英語中級第二版學生用書練習冊;新編劍橋商務英語PASS BEC口試必備手冊(中、進階);劍橋商務英語中級詞彙精選 點擊檢視》

進階全套套餐包括:劍橋BEC真題集進階第2輯、第3輯;BEC劍橋商務英語證書考試進階仿真試卷;新編劍橋商務英語進階同步輔導;新編劍橋商務英語進階第二版學生用書;新編劍橋商務英語進階第二版學生用書練習冊;新編劍橋商務英語PASS BEC口試必備手冊(中、進階);劍橋商務英語進階詞彙精選 點擊檢視》