

學問君 人氣:1.53W

It's time to make some changes this year. And if you're not sure what kind of career resolution you should set for yourself, take a look at this list, and pick one or more!是時候在今年做些改變了。如果你不確定在職業上該定下什麼目標,看看下面的列表,選擇一個或更多吧!


1. Find a work mentor1. 找一個工作導師

2. Organize a volunteer activity2. 組織一個志願者活動

3. Record your achievements3. 記下成就

4. Ask your boss for feedback4. 向老闆要工作反饋

5. Set monthly goals5. 設定每月目標

6. Remove the clutter from your desk6. 去掉桌上的雜亂

7. Be more prompt about answering emails7. 更快回郵件

8. Find a new work buddy8. 找一個新的工作夥伴

9. Send more professional emails9. 發更多專業的郵件

10. Lend a hand to a co-worker10. 幫助同事

11. Take on a new responsibility11. 承擔新責任

12. Ask for a promotion12. 尋求晉升

13. Take a class that will help you with work13. 參加一門對工作有益的課程(辦公室英語口語300句>>)

14. Go to more networking events14. 參加更多的社交活動

15. Update your LinkedIn profile15. 更新LinkedIn的個人資料

16. Delegate more16. 把更多事情委派給下屬做

17. Organize work socials17. 經營工作人脈圈

18. Plan further in advance18. 提前規劃未來

19. Take vacation time19. 抽出時間度假

20. Wake up earlier20. 更早醒來

21. Send thank-you cards to show appreciation21. 寄感謝卡表達謝意

22. Take a short break in the afternoon for a walk22. 下午短暫休息下,出去散散步

23. Focus on the positives of work instead of the negatives23. 關注工作的'積極方面,而不是消極方面

24. Read books related to your field24. 讀與職業相關的書籍

25. Find a better system for organizing emails25. 找一個更好的系統整理郵件

26. Offer to mentor someone26. 爲他人提供指導

27. Pack your lunch for work27. 爲工作準備午餐

28. Do a better job of managing28. 在管理事物方面要做得更好

29. Avoid office gossip29. 別在辦公室八卦(辦公室四大禁忌話題>>)

30. Take public transportation to work30. 乘公共交通工具去工作

31. Cut back on caffeine and sugar during work hours31. 在工作時間減少咖啡因和糖的攝入

32. Give positive and constructive feedback to co-workers32. 給同事積極有建設性的反饋

33. Ask for more feedback from peers33. 從同齡人處獲得更多反饋

34. Don't do work on vacation unless required34. 除非被要求,不然別在假日工作

35. Don't relay important news over email35. 不要用電子郵件轉達重要訊息

36. File your expenses on time36. 定時記錄花銷

37. Turn in projects before their deadlines37. 在最後期限前做好項目

38. Seek out work when you have downtime38. 當有空閒時找點工作做

39. Take advantage of health benefits39. 好好利用保健福利金

40. Join your local Toastmasters40. 參加自己地區的Toastmasters(小編注:Toastmaster 解釋爲“會議主持人”,是一個幫助他人如何學習說話、傾聽與思考、培養學員領導、表達能力的國際性非盈利組織)