

學問君 人氣:1.97W
——從水滸英雄的非英雄行爲重新審視水滸英雄摘要:《水滸傳》是一部反映農民階級奮起反抗封建統治的宏篇鉅製,它以樸素的情感對英雄進行深刻細描,有鮮明的愛憎立場。它反映社會中下層的社會生活,以廣泛的、深刻的,細緻的描述下層人民的生活面,在古典小說中獨樹一幟。對於《水滸傳》的研究,在20世紀就取得了很大成績,如胡適先生《水滸傳考證》、《水滸傳後考》,陳瑾先生的《視野與方法:關於20世紀〈水滸〉文化研究的理性思考》等等。而對於水滸人物的非英雄行爲的研究卻鮮有人問津。本文以歷史的視角從水滸英雄的`“非英雄行爲”入手,觀察水滸英雄的社會悲劇蘊涵,發掘英雄人物的另一面,從而能客觀的審視歷史人物。因而對於水滸英雄的“非正義”身份的研究還有待進一步研究。關鍵詞:水滸傳;英雄;社會意義 ;“非英雄”行爲Abstract: "Outlaws of the Marsh" is a reflection peasant class to resist the feudal rule of the giant Acer chapter system, it's simple to carry out profound feelings of heroic depiction small, sharp Aizeng position. It reflects the community in the middle and lower classes of society, a broad, deep and detailed description of the lives of people of middle and lower classes, unique in the classical novels. The "Outlaws of the Marsh" study, in the 20th century has made great achievements, such as Mr. Hu Shi, "Outlaws of the Marsh research", "Outlaws of the Marsh after the test," Mr. Chen Jin's "vision and Methods: on the 20th century