

學問君 人氣:10K

如何要求加薪我們已經講過。申請加薪的時候你既可以用一封詳述功勞的.申請信來打動老闆的心,也可以要求和老闆面談,當面討論你的加薪要求。下面是兩個要求面談的sample letter,看看他們是怎麼措辭的吧。

i enjoy working here and would appreciate your advice on how to increase the reward for my contributions。 could you please schedule a time for us to meet within the next week or so? any time that is convenient for you will work for me。

i look forward to our meeting。

i’m pleased that you’ve added new responsibilities to my job and i appreciate the opportunity。 i would like to meet with you to further discuss my new responsibilities and the possibility of a pay raise for performing them well。

i can meet with you anytime this week that is convenient for you。 if this week isn’t convenient, please let me know。
