

學問君 人氣:3.18W

1. What's the “first custom” in the international society?
  “Lady first”.女士優先。
     2.  What is the “Three A” principle in social communications?


  Accept, Appreciate, Admire接受對方,重視欣賞對方,讚美敬佩對方。
     3.  What does TOP mean in the international etiquette?

Time, Objective and Place 時間,目的, 地點。
      4.  When you are talking with people from western countries, eight topics should be avoided. What are they? 和西方人交談時,應避免哪八個話題?
  Age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal life, religious belief, politics, and opinions about other people.年齡,婚否,收入,經歷,住址,個人生活,宗教信仰,政治見解,以及對他人的看法。
  5.  Which three words are the most common ones in social life? 哪三個詞在社交場合最常用?
  Thanks, Excuse me (sorry), Please. 謝謝,對不起,請。
  6.  What are the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions? 社交場合的儀容要求是什麼?
  Natural, Harmonious, Beautiful自然,和諧,美觀。
  7.  Could you tell us the general rules for greetings? 打招呼致意的一般規則是什麼?
  * Gentlemen say hello first to ladies. 男性先向女性致意。
  * Young men say hello first to elderly men. 年輕者先向年長者致意。
  * The employees say hello to the employers.下級應向上級致意。
  8.  How would you ask the way politely? 怎樣禮貌地問路?
  The basic principle is: Don't disturb the others. Before you ask the way, you should say hello to him or her politely. At last, you should say thank you.總的原則是不輕易打擾別人。詢問之前要熱情、禮貌地稱呼對方,之後要誠摯道謝。
  9.  What should be kept in mind for a couple to have a nice marriage? 夫妻間應做到的禮儀要求是什麼?
  Be equal, respect each other, take care each other, forgive each other and understand each other. 夫妻平等、互相尊重、互相關心、互相寬容和相互諒解。
  10. How to be polite when you watch the sports competition? 觀看體育比賽時應遵守哪些禮節?
  Be polite, be sensible no matter win or lose. Talk politely, wear suitable clothes, and be warm and generous. Don't throw care of the public stuff and keep the place clean. 文明觀賽事,理智對輸贏,語言文明,着裝得體,熱情大度。不亂拋物,愛護公物和環境衛生。
  11.  You want to visit a foreign friend, and what will you do first? 你想要拜訪一位外國朋友,首先應該怎麼做?
  You'd better make a phone call first to make an appointment. 你最好打電話預約一下。
  12.  To attend a formal party, how will you dress yourself? 參加正式晚會,應如何着裝?
  An evening dress or a suit 晚裝或套裝。
  13.  On formal occasions, how many colors of all your clothes should be? 在正式場合,一個人全身服裝的顏色應該多少種?
  No more than three. 最好不超過三種。
  14.  On formal occasions, what kind of shoes should a man wear? 在正式場合,男士應穿什麼樣的鞋?
  Black leather shoes.黑皮鞋。