
Martin Freeman英國電影學院獎獲獎感言範本

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Martin John C. Freeman (born 8 September 1971) is an English actor. He is known for his roles as Tim Canterbury in the BBC's Golden Globe-winning comedy The Office, John in Love Actually, Arthur Dent in the film adaptation of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dr. Watson in Sherlock and Paul Maddens in Nativity!. He has been cast in the lead role of Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson's two-part adaptation of The Hobbit.

Martin Freeman英國電影學院獎獲獎感言範本

Freeman plays Dr. John Watson in Sherlock, the BBC contemporary adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories. The first episode, "A Study in Pink", was broadcast on 25 July 2010 to critical acclaim. For his performance in the role he won the BAFTA award for Best Supporting Actor, 2011.

娛樂:《神探夏洛克》的兩名演員深受廣大英劇迷的`熱愛,第一男主角“夏洛克”在最近榮升了年度最性感男性名號,而在夏洛克身旁默默支援他的“華生”也憑藉《神探夏洛克》得到了觀衆以及專家的肯定。20xx年,馬丁·弗里曼在英國BBC拍攝的電視劇《神探夏洛克》(SHERLOCK)中飾演約翰·H·華生,並以此角色獲得20xx年英國學院獎(BAFTA award)最佳男配角獎。!

英國電影學院獎 (British Academy Television Award)創建於1947年,原主要表彰對象是英國電影及由英國籍演員演出的外國影片,相當於英國的奧斯卡獎,但近年來提名較開放,只要在英國正式上映的影片都可獲提名,獎項改爲面向世界各國的影片進行評獎,使之產生了更大的影響。