
職場雙語:企業出新招 吸引最佳應聘者

學問君 人氣:1.48W

Small companies that are managing to hire during the downturn face a challenge: Too many candidates are applying to the companies’ job listings. As a result, some firms are trying creative methods to find the best applicants.

職場雙語:企業出新招 吸引最佳應聘者

  Take, for instance, I Love Rewards Inc., a 38-person consulting firm that advises companies that want to implement employee benefits and performance-based rewards. I Love Rewards, based in Wellesley, Mass., and Toronto, recently received 1,200 applications for nine job openings.
  拿I Love Rewards這家諮詢公司來說。這家公司位於馬薩諸塞州以及多倫多,現有38名員工,主要爲那些希望實施員工福利和基於業績的薪酬的公司提供諮詢。最近該公司的9個職位空缺接到了1,200份求職申請。

Instead of reading through each resume, the company sent an email to each applicant, thanking the candidates for their interest and asking them to attend an open house in Toronto. Only 400 showed up. ’That’s self-selection,’ reasons Razor Suleman, the company’s founder and chief executive. ’It’s so easy to apply for anything but 800 didn’t take the first step. That lowered the screening process.’
  I Love Rewards的員工們(左)在快速麪試中嚮應聘者提問。I Love Rewards並沒有瀏覽每份簡歷,而是向每位求助者發送了一封電子郵件,對求職者有意謀求公司職位表示感謝,並請他們參加在多倫多的一次開放參觀活動。結果只有400名求職者到場。該公司創始人兼首席執行長蘇勒曼(Razor Suleman)說,這等於讓他們自己篩選。求職者到處申請職位很容易,但有800人都沒有邁出第一步。這縮短了篩選程序。

Over a few hours, Mr. Suleman and 31 of his employees arranged the two-story office so that the first floor was designated as an area where employees could mingle with the candidates. The second floor became a so-called speed-dating area, where the prospects had one-on-one contact with the employees for a few minutes.


’It was perfectly systematic because everyone had a time slot,’ says Mr. Suleman. ’And in five minutes, we’d ask a few questions and see if they were right for the role. It was different but so efficient because you could remove people who aren’t wildly enthusiastic.’ By the end of the evening, the team had found the top 68 candidates, who will be called back for group interviews and then individual interviews.