

學問君 人氣:1.17W

摘   要


關鍵詞:笑星; 救星; 災星; 王熙鳳


In the fiction“Dream of the Red Chamber”, Wang Xifeng plays an multiple role, She could be a comedy star, brings laughter and happiness to everywhere she is. She also could be the hero of the big family, who makes the whole family run in gear, “there is ever no man can come up with”, she is so important to her family. However, under her skin, greed, bloodiness, malevolence, subtleties and guile make her a completely totally devil. She plays a trick to kill sister You, apparently she is friendly, stealthily she is poisonous and deadly. I think we should evaluate her from the angle of humanistic. She is good-looking, clever and magnanimous, with excellent talent. She is the topnotch crystal of the traditionsl housewife in feudalism age.
Key words: comedian tar; liberator; evil; Wang Xifeng


王熙鳳是《紅樓夢》中塑造得很成功的1個人物形象。國內外對王熙鳳的研究很多,在他們看來,王熙鳳是1個封建時代的`管家婆,是個管理能人,是1個生命力非常充裕、頭腦非常敏銳的角色,是家庭中能幹主婦傳統風格的最高度結晶品。她把主婦才智的量堆積並提高到質的變化,成爲1個封建大家庭尾閭期殘忍毒辣的代表人物。綜合各界人士的研究,透過對《紅樓夢》和相關歷史資料的反覆研讀,我從“笑星”、“救星” 、“災星”3個角度對王熙鳳進行了分析。在《紅樓夢》中,她簡直是個超級演員。她很愛笑,很會笑,無論她走到哪裏,哪裏就會有笑聲,她詼諧幽默,什麼樣的場合,對什麼樣的人,需要什麼樣的笑,都能輕輕鬆鬆地做出來,她是個“笑星”;她聰明乖巧,有着卓越的才幹,受命於危難之間,扶大廈於將傾,她過人的管理才能,使整個家族得以正常運轉,“竟是個男人萬不及1的”,她是個“救星”;她貪婪、兇殘、狠毒、陰險狡詐,她毒設相思局,她害死尤2姐,“明是1盆火,暗是1把刀”,她是個“災星”。我們應該從人性的角度客觀而又全面地看待王熙鳳,既要看到她毒辣的1面,又不能忽視她的閃光點。