

學問君 人氣:1.98W

與事件類的較無規律和複雜上來比,地點類還是能遵循一些有效的技巧和小”tip” 來做到只需準備一些的段落即可覆蓋我們整個地點類話題。對於馬上要考試的烤鴨們來說是非常有效的。

(1)首先一個小技巧,直白得說叫“怎麼奢侈怎麼來”。我們舉個例子;例如口語當中有道“骨灰級”題目: describe your ideal house. 相信大家肯定都見過,有的考生一看傻眼了,這要讓我臨場想象啊!我這麼緊張哪有想象力!但是考生忽略了,既然是ideal, 那麼就可以最大程度地進行“make some story”. 首先我家的location: it should be located in the downtown coz it is really fast for me to use public transport to get everywhere so that I don’t need to worry about my time table./ it should be located near the beach coz I’m really into the sunrise and sunset, thus I may enjoy the scenery when I’m doing housework...

(2)其次我家必須有個yard: there is a delicate yard in front of my house. In this yard, I may plant a lot of trees and flowers; in addition, if it is possible, I would like to build a small fountain in it. Every day I could read novels while enjoy the sunshine.

(3)第三如果還想奢侈點,加個swimming pool: I’m a big fan of swimming so that I could go swimming regularly in this swimming pool...

我相信說到這,烤鴨們都漸漸摸到規律了吧。用這些小地點套進ideal house 這個大地點裏面,這樣不但能夠確保內容上絕對的充裕還能保證話題的多樣性。所以這個方法非常好用。這道題目大家後面還可以盡情地發揮:I would like to build a game roon in my house so that my grandparents would play mahjong with their long-term friends; the most vital part must be the kitchen! Coz my mother is into cooking and she hopes the kitchen should be well-decorated and well- equipped. 大家再發揮下還可以講許多小地點。不過大家不要忘記小地點和小地點之間加一些有效的連詞,這樣才能顯示我們口語評分標準中的邏輯性。

接下來大家用我的方法再看一道9月的最新地點類題目:describe an airport. 這道題目剛出來時大家都覺得很難,覺得沒啥好講的。其實大家想一下機場有哪些小地點?

第一個最明顯的就是duty free shop(免稅店),所以大家可以說裏面的很多東西非常便宜,種類又多,尤其是化妝品香水等等。第二個機場還是有很多的restaurant的,可以說飯店種類多,國際化,選擇多,而且也不貴。第三個可以說一些機場能夠見到很多明星和粉絲,感覺非常新奇和意外。還有學生說有的機場裝修得像一個巨大的花園,感覺非常的怡人和舒適(例如新加坡樟宜機場)。希望大家能夠記住這個技巧並靈活運用到口語當中來。