

學問君 人氣:1.15W

Sheshan National Holiday Resort

Located in southwest Shanghai---Songjiang, Sheshan National Holiday Resort has unique natural views and cultural interest. Sheshan National Forest Park is rated as one of the first AAAA tourism sites. It has four tourism sites: East Sheshan Park, West Sheshan Park, Tianmashan (Heaven Horse Mountain) Park, and Xiaokunshan Park.


Animals and plants abound on the East Sheshan Mountain. There are wild sika deer, pangolin scales and about 100 kinds of birds. Besides, there are about 2,000 types of plants such as cinnamomum camphoras and moso bamboos. The main attractions in East Sheshan are the Bird Center, the Butterfly Garden, the Plant Fossil Forest and the Wonder Stone Cave. Sheshan is also famous for its bamboo shoots, honey peaches and Lan Tea. The Sheshan bamboo shoot was named 'Lan Sun (Orchid Shoot)' by Kang Xi (an emperor in the Qing Dynasty), because it smells like an orchid. Lan Tea is known as 'Shanghai Longjing Tea.'

There are also many attractions on the West Sheshan Mountain. The Church of Our Lady of Sheshan is the biggest church in Southeast Asia as well as the landmark architecture of Sheshan Mountain. The Sheshan Observatory is one of the earliest and largest observatories in China. The Astronomy Museum is a National Science Education Base. The Seismographic Station is one of the earliest institutes for earthquake research.




Chongming Island and Dongping Forest Park

Chongming Island, China's third largest island, is situated at the mouth of the Yangtze River. With an area of nearly 1,200 square kilometers, it is a perfect place for a back-to-nature weekend because of its pleasant climate, loamy land, green forest and crossing rivers.

You can take cruise from Bao Yang Port or Shi Dong Kou Port and it departs at about every 30 minutes. Also, the cruises arrive at different ports on Chongming Island (Nan Men Port, Xin He Port and Bao Village Port). You can take a taxi or a bus to travel around the island. The good thing here is, whatever you need, transfer, food or accommodation, they can be bargained. For your convenience, you may need to charter a taxi to drop or pick you up at the scenic spots. And it is easy to find a restaurant or a guesthouse to stay.

Chongming Island is shaped long and narrow. Dongping Forest Park is at the central area of the island, which is a real recreational area for riding horse or bicycle, hiking, camping, barbecuing, paintball shooting, racing, rock climbing, etc. Chongming County is where Nan Men Port is located. It is said that strolling around the small county is like back to the old Shanghai. The local food is quite different from what you have in the city, much more delicate and tasty. Believe it or not, you may find out by yourself. One more thing, when you go back to Shanghai, please make sure you have time to catch the last bus.


公園內林竹茂盛,百鳥鳴唱,曲徑通幽,碧波盪漾,野趣盎然,徜徉其間,令人塵慮盡消,流連忘返。目前園內擁有建築風格獨特的鐘馗苑、遊客中心,氣勢不凡的遊船碼頭,國際標準的攀巖場,極休閒的陽光浴場。此外,園內還設定了帳篷、垂釣、 燒烤、騎馬、射箭、沙灘排球、沙灘泳場、根雕館、卡丁車、森林童話園等名目繁多的遊樂項目和配套設施。每年春、夏、秋三季,成千上萬的候鳥遷徙而來繁衍後代,翔集噪鳴於林,成爲公園一大奇觀。此外,去崇明踏青,交通和住宿都很方便,只是大家不要太過貪玩而趕不上最後一班車。

Nanhui District & Shanghai Wild Animal Park

Nanhui District was founded in 2001 and is located within the southeast regions of Shanghai. It is the place that Shanghai people, especially families, like to go on weekends due to its abundant natural resources. Features include, but are not limited to a peach orchard, fish farm, coast and marsh.

The Shanghai Wild Animal Park is located at No. 178 Nanliu Road, east Pudong area. It occupies a land of 153 hectares and has approximately ten thousand animals with more than 200 species from around the world. The park provides a great opportunity for children to be within close proximity to wild animals. The Wild Animal Park is divided into two parts. A drive-through area provides visitors with the opportunity to sit in a caged bus and see tigers, lions, cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, camels, bears, elephants, hippos, and flamingos in the open usually engaged in chasing and hunting. The walk through area, will allow you to see pandas, monkeys, birds, seals and sea lions, ostriches, boas etc. Pictures can be taken with the animals and there is also the opportunity to feed them as well as some of their babies. Animal performances are highlights of the park and are enjoyed by all who attend.


Nanjing Int'l Plum Festival (Plum Hill)

In the early spring between February and March, Nanjing International Plum Festival opens as the first ceremonial tourist event of the year. The meeting place is chosen on Plum Hill. Reputed as the First Plum Hill under Heaven, it is one of the eight plum appreciation sights having the most variety, longest history and being the largest in the country. Because the traditional Chinese Lunar New Year always falls in this period, spectacular celebrations of blossom appreciation, show performances, cultural exhibitions and bazaar shopping are be held.


南京山的梅花已經進入全面的盛花期。提醒的是,梅花山中有300多株百年以上的古梅,千萬別錯過。 據介紹,整個梅花節期間,將有十幾項內容形式多樣、羣衆參與性強的文化旅遊活動陸續亮相中山陵博愛廣場和梅花谷廣場。

Yangzhou Slender West Lake

Yangzhou is located in Jiangsu Province some 300 kilometers to the northwest of Shanghai. To get there, you can either take a direct train or coach from Shanghai to Yangzhou. Both transportations and accommodations are very convenient in Yangzhou.

Yangzhouis a popular tourist destination so if you travel during spring, you must make hotel reservations in advance. And your are suggested to buy a combined ticket which includes the Slender West Lake, the Ge Garden and the He Garden.

Slender West Lake, known as "Shou Xi Hu" in Chinese, it is one of Yang Zhou’s largest and most striking sights. The lake's layout gave rise to its name - it runs along both sides of a remarkably slender lake which snakes through the north part of the city. A long bank planted with weeping willows spans the lake; at its midpoint stands a square terrace with pavilions at each of the corners and one in the center. Around the lake is a park in which are found several attractions: Lotus Flower Pagoda, Small Gold Mountain (Xiao Jin Shan); and the Fishing Platform (Diaoyutai), a favorite retreat of the Qing emperor Qian Long. The emperor was so gratified by his luck in fishing at this spot that he ordered additional stipends for the town.

In the late afternoon, take a comfortable direct coach to Shanghai. Your pleasant Yangzhou tour has nowcome to a pleasantend.


所謂“煙花三月下揚州”,每年的春季,揚州迎來旅遊旺季,也是遊覽揚州的最佳時間。 每年4月18日-5月18日,揚州市都會舉行“煙花三月經貿旅遊節”,此時的揚州煙雨朦朦,稀有的瓊花正當盛開,花香撲鼻,是旅遊的黃金季節。