

學問君 人氣:2.38W



事實上,許多同學面臨的問題不是想不出論據,而是想出的論據並不是題目中所需要的,也就是常說的“跑題”。在審題的過程中透過圈詞是可以部分防止跑題的情況出現的,但是如何讓圈出的“關鍵詞”在論述中發揮指導性的作用,引出有邏輯的論述,纔是寫出一篇高分雅思大作文的王道。這裏不得不提一個經常被同學們忽視的論證方法了,即“下定義”。這是大作文中論述中的panacea。只不過今天謝爽老師所提到的“下定義”的論證方法並不是簡單的“give a simple or direct definition”,而是要求大家要把題目中一些“關鍵詞”根據題目中的其他相關資訊給出適用於這道題的“關鍵詞定義”。謝爽老師帶大家做一下case study,看看考官們是怎麼把下定義的論證方法用到出神入化的地步的:

首先咱們以劍橋真題 8 Test1 爲例:

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be a good member of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that parentsshould teach childrenhow to be a good member of rs, however, believe that schoolis the place to learn this.


對於“parents”最直接的定義應該是“father and mother”, 但是這個定義對於這道題目沒有任何論證作用。題目需要發表的論述是“一些人認爲家長應該培養孩子成爲一個好的社會成員。然而,另外一些人認爲,學校纔是完成這一項職責的'地方。”首先我們可以判斷出,這道題目是屬於“教育類”的話題和“Education(教育)”相關,那麼對於這道題而言“parents”的定義就應該和“家庭教育的責任承擔者”有關,於是我們透過定義法就可以想與此題目相關的一些論據,比如“家長是孩子的第一任老師(the first educator)---->孩子最先接觸的就是家庭教育(begin in home)---->行爲和思想的形成家長有直接的責任(are thought have the responsibility to educate...) ”。而這裏提到的“行爲和思想”指的就是“to be a good member of society”,咱們現在繼續用“下定義”的論證方法來爲“a good member of society”下一個定義,好的社會成員就是”懂的遵守社會秩序,尊重他人、有禮貌、有合作意識等等“的人(obey the social rules、respect others、cooperate with peers)”。關於some people 的論證部分,剩下需要下定義的關鍵詞只有“children”了,朗文詞典中對於children的定義是透過“child”給出的“someone who is not yet an adult”——>缺少區分對與錯的能力(fail to tell right from wrong),容易受到環境的影響(tend to be influenced by the surroundings)——>環境以及所接受的教育對其影響很重要。下面是考官的滿分段落:

In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rulesof their community and share their values. Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of will certainly be the first to help childrenlearn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world.
