

學問君 人氣:2.75W




Good morning (Afternoon, Evening)Ladies and gentlemen :

The crew member of XX Airlines has the pleasure of welcoming you d you please put your seat in the upright position,

fasten your seat belts and lock your table in place.

We will be taking off in a few are reminded that smokingand telephone-operation are not permitted at any time during flight.

Please use your "call button" if you require assistance-our crew

will attend to your needs.

We hope you enjoy a pleasant flight and

thank you for choosing XX Airlines

Ladies and gentlemen:

Welcome aboard___Airlines FLT___to___.

(With an intermediate stop in___).

Your flight is under the command of Captain___.

I am the chief purser___,in addition,

we have___cabin attendants,___from Thailand,

who will be available through the flight to serve you.

Please let us know if you need assistance.

Thank you.







Ladies and gentlemen :

Your cabin attendants have just demonstrated the proper method

of using the life jacket(and oxygen mask.)

Please refer to the emergency instruction card in the seat pocket

for more k you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

For your safety,this aircraft is fully equipped with emergency equipments. We will explain the location and method of e are

eight emergency exits located on the left and right sides respectively.

They are identified by the exit signs.

Life jackets are under your case of emergency,

put the jacket over your head,then bring the straps from behind

you to the front as the attendant is demonstrating.

Fasten the straps and pull tight. The jacket will be automatically

inflated by pulling the two red tabs at the bottom.

There are two mouth pieces inside the life jacket which can be

used to inflate the vest by blowing air into oxygen masks are

in panel over your head. If there is any change in the pressure,

the masks will fall masks are as shown.

When the masks fall,pull one of them to your face.

Cover your nose and mouth then breath normally.

Place the strap over your head to keep the mask in place.

If you have an infant,put your mask on first,then put the infant's mask on.

Each seat is provided wiht seat belts. Please keep them fasted

whenever seated. Just pull the buckle to unfasten them.

Please refer to the emergency instruction card in seat pocket

for more imformation. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We will be taking off se make sure that your

seat belts are fastened. Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We will be passing through turbulent your safety,

please remain seated and fasten your seat belts.

Thank you.


We will be passing through your own safety,

please remain seated and fasten your seat belt.

Thank you.



Ladies and gentlemen :

We will soon be landing at the____ (Interational) Airport,

would you please put you seat in the upright position ,

fasten your seat belts and lock yourtable in place.

Thank you.


Ladies and gentlemen :

We have landed at ____(Interational) Airport.

The present outside temperature

is ____degrees Centigrade,and the local time is______.

Please remain seated until the airplane has come to a complete stop anddon't forget your personal belongings.

All crew members thank you for choosing XX Airlines.

We hope to see youin the near future.

Thank you and good-bye



本人謹代表XX航空公司及全體組員謝謝您的搭乘並祝您旅途愉快!Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentleme:

We expect to land at ___:___ PM. Please fasten your seat belt.

I would like to thank you for flying with XX airlines,

I do hope you have enjoyed your flight.


我們現在已經降落在XX國際機場了,在安全帶的指示燈沒有熄滅、 班機沒有停妥前,請您不要離開座位。下機時請不要忘了隨身攜帶的行李,


非常感謝您搭乘XX航空公司的班機,並希望很快能再次爲您服務。 Ladies and Gentleme:

We have landed at XX Airport, please remain seated until the

"FASTEN SEAT BELT" sign is turned off

and the aircraft has come to a complete stop.

Please don't forget to take along your personal belongings.

When opening the overhead bins;

please take care to ensure the contents do not fall out.

Once again, we would like to thank you

for flying with XX Airlines and hope to serving you again soon.


考官: Your number and name, please.

考生: My number is sixteen and my name is Caihong Lan.

考官: Please sit down, Miss Lan.

考生: Many thanks.

考官: First of all, I’d like to know why you have interest in this kind of occupation. 考生:

I wish to become a stewardess because I’ve always enjoyed meeting new people, and working with others. Of course, the chance to travel is also an important factor. Traveling to different places and being in new situations seems like an exciting challenge. 考官: What’s the most important thing of being an air hostess?


The most important task of being an air hostess is helping passengers relax during their flight. Flying is a stressful thing and if an air hostess can ease that tension, it will make a favorable impression for the airline.

考官: What’s the special feature (characteristic) for a flight attendant?


To be a good F.A. we need to be courteous, helpful and efficient. If we have these characteristics, the passengers will feel welcomed and relaxed during the flight. 考官: Do you know what are the responsibilities of the aircrew?

生: The main responsibility of the flight crew is to ensure the safety of the passengers in case of an emergency. Other responsibilities are providing for the comfort of the passengers and serving meals.

考官: Do you think friendly service is very important of the airline staff?


Definitely. I would think this is one of the most important aspects when dealing with the public in any way.

考官:Do you get angry easily?


No, I know how to control my temper. I only get angry if I see someone hurting somebody else.

考官: If you had a passenger, who fools around with you ,what would you do? 考生:

Firmly and politely tell him to keep his hands to himself. If he does not listen, I’ll tell the purser to speak with him.

考官: If someone insulted your country and people, what would you do?


I would tell this immature person that I’m sorry if he feels that way, and that I won’t waste time getting into a discussion with him.

考官: How is your language ability?

考生: I believe my English is quite fluent. I can speak simple German as well.

考官: If you cannot communicate with your passengers, what will you do? 考

生: First I will see if another stewardess can speak his language. If not, I will continue to communicate by sign language or by drawing pictures.

考官: If one of your passengers had an accident, what would you do?考生:I would give him basic first aid and call for assistance.考

官: Have you considered the difficulties that this job will cause you ?

生: Yes, I realize that the hours away from my home are long, and that I must deal with all sorts of people. This can make a person feel lonely and homesick but I think I can overcome it.考官: Are you in good health?考生:

I just had a complete physical examination and I was declared in top condition.考官: How tall are you? What about your eye sight?

生: My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I’ve never had any vision problems and have never worn corrective lenses.

考官: Do you take care of your appearance?考生:

Yes, I feel taking care of myself with sufficient rest and a good diet are important. 考官: Do you know how to put on makeup?

考生:Yes, I took some beauty classes a few months ago.

考官: What part of your face is the most attractive? Why?


I think for me and anybody else a smile can be the most attractive feature, because it lights up my whole face.

考官: Why haven’t you thought of getting married?

考生:Because at this age I feel it is important to be independent and build a career. 考官: If you are selected to be an air hostess, when can you start the job?

考生:I could begin work right away as I have no other obligations now.

官: We’ll make our final decision by the end of this month. We’re gong to get in touch with you regardless of whether you are hired or not. Thank you for coming, Miss Lan.

考生:A thousand thanks for your having talked with me. Goodbye.



稍微準備後,接着 5 人一組,進入主考官 , 室每人各念一段手裏的廣播詞。考官主要是觀

察你的聲音是否好聽,口齒是否清晰,英文程度如何。 ②廣播詞唸完後,考官會告訴你是否有下一次的面試,初試透過後,要交履歷表和學校




主要考驗心理承受能力和處理特殊情況的能力。 ④複試結束後考官會通知你是否參加下一次面試。 ⑤第三次面試:此次有 4 位考官考察一位應試者,以聊天的方式,問一些生活問題。面


是否優美。面試結束後現場會當時通知結果。 ⑥游泳測驗:游泳距離爲 50 米 ,任何泳姿都可以,在有條件的飯店舉行。⑦茶會:分成 4 組,一組約 10 個人,酒會方式。餐桌上有茶點供全體參加面試的人員

享用, 4 位主考官輪流提出問題,和大家聊天,目的在於瞭解你的團隊精神,以及與其他人

相處的能力,並要求應試者提出問題,時間大約 4 小時。結束後當時通知你是否被錄取。 2 .德國漢莎航空公司面試指南①填寫一份中英文履歷表。 ②考官每人發一份英廣考卷,答完考卷後結束當天的面試,等候第二次的面試通知。 ③第二次面試主要以英語會話爲主,考官提一些生活上的問題,同時還會問一些有關航

空服務的問題,如: ·如何對帶小孩子的旅客進行服務,對帶小孩子的旅客在服務時應注意的事項。·航班飛行途中,你發現有的旅客在廁所內吸菸,你將如何處置?·夜航飛行時,有一名旅客的孩子一直哭鬧不停,你將如何處置?3 .國內航空公司面試指南 ①航空公司面試空乘服務人員的形象要求和其他報名條件:年齡一般爲 18 - 23 歲,

但也有的航空公司將年齡限制在 22 歲以下。 五官端正、儀表清秀、身材勻稱。 女性身高 164 - 173cm ,男性身高 173 - 183 cm 。口齒清楚,普通話標準。身體裸露部位無明顯疤痕。 無口臭、腑臭、面板病、走路無內外八字。 聽力不低於 5 米 。 無精神病史及慢性病史。學歷要求一般,也有航空公司無此要求。 要求流利的英文或基本的會話能力,其他小語種優先。 準備兩張二寸照片和一張四寸生活照片。 填寫履歷表並帶上學歷證書和其他證明材料。②報考人員的着裝要求:應着職業裝,同時不要化濃妝,應着淡妝。男性最好穿長褲。③應聘人員的站、坐姿要求:站姿應端正,兩眼目視對方,應隨時保持坐姿端正、站姿


介紹你的家庭,你的父母和家庭其他成員。 你爲什麼要做一名空姐?你對空姐的工作有哪些瞭解? 你有哪些特長? 在家裏是否幫助父母做家務? 在飛機上如果遇到不講理的旅客你應如何處理? 你考慮過做空姐工作的辛苦嗎?如果你被我公司錄取,你將準備如何做一名合格的空中

乘務員?做一名優秀的空中乘務員應具備哪些品質? 你在學習期間好朋友多嗎? 談談你對本公司的瞭解?公司都有哪些機型、航線?你爲什麼要報考本公司?如果有兩個航空公司同時接收你,你會選擇哪個公司? ⑥面試程序: ·到報名地點後,先交報名表,然後進行基本身體測量(身高、體重、視力) ·分組進行面試,一般 10 個人一組進入考場,每個報考人員進行簡單的自我介紹(姓


細。第二次面試透過後,在考場等候通知面試結果。 ·有的航空公司可能還要安排第三次面試或者進行筆試的考試。 ·體檢,參加體檢後等待體檢結果。 ·體檢合格後一般還要進行公司有關領導參加的`集體面試。面試中會對參加面試人員提


員絕不能緊張,這是考驗你的極好機會,是否成功可能就在此一舉。 ·空姐職業道德

熱愛工作 服務理念和意識 吃苦精神 性格 業務 說話·空姐專業化形象 空乘禮儀 語言談吐 話題選擇·空姐形象

空姐儀表 面容要求 服飾·空姐面試技巧

新加坡航空公司面試指南 德國漢莎航空公司面試指南 國內航空公司面試指南 形象要求 報名條件 姿態要求 面試問題 面試程序·微笑是面試成功的關鍵篇二:空



詞、航空狀況題、時事題、個人問題等。不同公司流程不同,初複試的難易度也不同。 dialogue


i: what made you decide on this type of occupation? i: can you make yourself understood in english without too much difficulty?a:

yes, i think i am quite fluent in english. i got the certificate of the secondary

english training last month.i: do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess? a: the main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed

and happy during the flight. and good service is also important.

i: are you in good health?a: yes, i have two years of nursing experience, and now i am working as a nurse

in a hospital.

i: how tall are you? what about your eyesight?a: my height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. i抳e never had any vision


i: what would you say are your strengths and weaknesses? a: one of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also i

think i have a warm personality. but sometimes, i find it is hard to tell others when

i don抰 like what they are doing. i: if a passenger can抰 understand what you say, what should you do? a: i will try to speak in another language or i抣l try my best to use gestures

and draw pictures.

i: 什麼原因使你決定投身這個行業呢?a: 哦,說真的,我非常喜歡藍天。小時候我就夢想自己有一天能飛上藍天,現在我想這

一天已經到了,我的夢想要實現了。而且我非常喜歡旅遊,喜歡和人打交道。i: 別人容易明白你說的英語嗎?a: 可以,我想我的英語很流利,上個月我拿到了中級英語培訓證書。i: 你認爲對空姐來說,主要的職責是什麼? a: 主要職責就是讓乘客在飛行途中能放鬆、快樂,而且好的服務也是很重要。i: 你


a: 我剛做了一次全面的體檢,身體狀況很好。 i: 你有護理經驗嗎?

a: 有,我有兩年的護理經驗,現在我就在一家醫院當護士。 i: 你多高?你的視力如何?

a: 我身高168cm,視力沒問題。i: 你認爲你的優點和缺點是什麼? a: 我優點之一就是待人非常友好、開朗,還有我的性格溫和。但有時候,我發現很難告訴別人我不喜歡他們的所作所爲。 i: 如果有乘客聽不懂你說的話,你該怎麼辦?a: 我會試着說另一種語言或者打手勢、畫圖。 dialogue 2

i: tell me about yourself and your past experience. a: for the past 3 years, i have been working in china east airlines corporation

limited. i抦 very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my

strengths. i feel i have a lot to offer as a team member. i: why are you interested in this occupation? a: it抯 always been my dream to be a stewardess. and i like travelling to

different places.

i: what do you think is the chief charcteristic for a stewardess? a: well, a stewardess should be friendly, courteous, patient and treat passengers

kindly and politely.

i: do you get angry easily?a: no, i know how to control my temper.

i: if a passenger had a accident, what would you do?a: i would give him or her basic first aid and ask my partner to call for assistance

at the same time.

i: if you are hired, when can you start work? a: i can begin to work right away because i am out of work now. i: what are your salary expectations?i: 說說你自己和你過去的經歷。 a: 過去三年我一直在中國東方航空有限公司工作。我待人寬容,別人都說這是我的優點。

我想作爲團隊一員,我能作出很多貢獻。 i: 你爲什麼對這個職業感興趣?a: 成爲一名空姐一直是我的夢想,而且我喜歡到各地旅遊。 i: 對空姐來說,你認爲主要應該具備的品質是什麼?a: 空姐應該待人友好、有禮貌、有耐心,對顧客和藹、彬彬有禮。 i: 你容易生氣嗎?

a: 不,我知道怎樣控制自己的脾氣。 i: 如果有乘客發生意外,你會怎麼辦?a: 我會爲他/她做基本的急救,同時讓同伴尋求救助。 i: 如果你被錄用,什麼時候你能開始工作? a: 因爲我目前沒有工作,所以隨時都可以。 i: 你希望拿多少薪水?a: 在討論薪水前,我需要更多瞭解這份工作。我希望遲點討論這個問題,或者你可以告

訴我這個職位的預算薪酬是多少,貴公司的佣金制度是如何運作的。 imagine 想象 secondary 中級的 flight attendant 空姐 eyesight 視力 vision 視力 gesture 手勢 tolerant 寬容的 basic first aid 基本的急救護理temper 脾氣 assistance 援助,協助 basic expressions 基本句型表達

1) what made you decide on this type of occupation? 什麼原因使你決定投身這個行業呢?

2) i like travelling very much and i enjoy working with people. 我非常喜歡旅遊,喜歡和人打交道。

3) the main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed

and happy during the flight.


4) one of my best qualities is my friendliness and open-minded attitude.我


5) i抦 very tolerant of people and have been told that this is one of my strengths.


6) what do you think is the chief charcteristic for a stewardess? 你認爲對空姐來說,主要應該具備的品質是什麼?

7) i would give him or her basic first aid and ask my partner to call for assistance

at the same time.


conversations 會話

(a=applicant i=interviewer) 作爲空中小姐,懂得一些急救措施是非常必要的,所以即使你沒有做過空中小姐,但如

果做過護士,有護理經驗(nursing experience),你儘可以把它當作自己的優勢表現出來。

1) what made you decide on this type of occupation? position




2)do you know what are the responsibilities of the stewardess? tasks




3) what do you think are the chief characteristics of a stewardess?qualitiestraits

你認爲空姐的主要品質 是什麼?

4) i can begin to work right away because i am out of work now. unemployed

laid off

between jobs



good afternoon . i am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to

you t of all ,my english name is my chinese name is you are going

to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to

this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be i am eager to get an

opportunity to then give some examples which can give evidence to you

can say something about your hobbies it is best that the hobbies have something

to do with the job.

i hope you will give them a wonderful speech luck to you !

3、good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

i hope i can make a good performance today. im confident that i can succeed. now

i will introduce myself brieflyi am 26 years old,born in shandong province . i was graduated from qingdao university. my major is i got my

bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basicknowledge of my major during my school time. i think im a good team player and im a person of great honesty to others. also

i am able to work under great pressure. that’s all. thank you for giving me the chance.