

學問君 人氣:8.28K

Julia: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Smith?


Smith: Yes, speaking.

Julia: This is Julia speaking. I'd like to buy a stock.

Smith: What stock do you want to buy and how many?

Julia: I want to buy 1000 shares of Dubon.

Smith: Let me get the asking price of the stock. Just a moment. Oh, now the asking price is $80 each share. By the way, what is the offering price?

Julia: Let me see. The offering price is near or at $78.

Smith: Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $2. It's hard to take place today.
Julia: Do you mean that I have to buy at current price?

Smith: You can decide by yourself.

Julia: I heard that this stock would go up. Hmm, I will take it at current price.

Smith: So, now I will buy in. Are you sure? Julia: Yes, please.


1. 對話中Julia經人介紹,找到了股票經紀人史密斯先生。Julia說她想買股票,Smith問她,要買哪一支呢?要買多少呢?What stock do you want to buy and how many?

2. Julia說想買1000股的杜邦股票。Share這裏的.意思是“股,股份”,比如說,$2 of shares are not worth $2.75. 2美元的股份現在值2.75美元,看來是升值了。

3. Smith要先查一下現在的賣出價是多少,就是the asking price of the stock。相對的the offering price 就是買進價。現在Julia要買進的股票的賣出價是80美元每股,那Julia能承受的買進價是多少呢?

4. 大概在78美元左右。賣出價和買入價的價差是兩美元,看來今天是無法成交了。那麼只能現價買入了嗎?Buy at certain price,意思是“以某種價格購買某物”。take place 這個詞組表示“發生,舉行”。

5. 買還是不買,就看Julia自己決定了。她覺得這支股票的價格會上漲,應該會賺一筆,所以還是決定以現價買入了。這樣Smith就幫她買入了,就是buy in。
